Turn the Other Cheek

June 17, 2024

Each day, I reflect upon a word or phrase inspired by the readings of the day. I encourage you to do the same and perhaps incorporate that word or phrase into your daily prayer.

When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. (Matthew 5:38-42)

TURN THE OTHER CHEEK: Jesus used a variety of teaching methods. Sometimes he taught using parables. Other times, he was more direct in his approach. Still other times, like today, he said things that left listeners scratching their heads.

Was Jesus really telling us that we need to be willing to take a beating? We should provide no resistance to an aggressor? By telling us to turn the other cheek is Jesus suggesting we invite further aggression?

If not, what is the purpose behind Jesus’ words?

Jesus’ shocking words inform us. They tell us: Don’t be so quick to react. Don’t always give a knee jerk reaction. Consider reflection and prayer rather than instinctive reaction. Attempt to understand. Have compassion.

That’s a pretty good list of rules to live by. When we hurt someone, literally or figuratively “striking” him, we certainly hope the person we’ve hurt will keep that list in mind.

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